Thinking Beyond Today

April 26, 2020

Today our entire Globe is quiet. A virus has the power to hush neighborhood friends conversations shared on morning walks with their dogs.

It has and it's been given the power to paralyze industries who's factory grinds, clanks, spews and steams.

It's been given the power to halt families daily routines, school buses, soccer practices and music lessons.

Power to control a globe of human's important meetings, essential appointments are all at full stop.

Nasa shows us images of air clearing and blue skys, over cities once darkened with poisons of pollution from it's people.

Schools of fish now seen in rivers and streams as boats and ships remain in their slips.

Nature expresses itself in big waves, swaying trees, whirling winds and down pours of rain against our windows.

The purification process we learned in elementary school can be seen today, witnessed as rain water falls from the sky onto the Earth and into streams taking with it the impurities of man. The streams move silt and debris down to rivers free flowing roar, providing fish a marked route back to it's source.

Is the Stay Home, Stay Safe mandate a clearing for our own eyes to see the blue in the sky? Is Stay Home, Stay Safe requirement a clean clear boat-less river and stream for each of us to explore and to allow our innate, instinctual pull guide us up to our source, giving us the gift of time and silence to explore and experiment with what we truly love?

The sky is clear, look up, see the depth of blue and ask, what's beyond this extraordinary color?

While glistening streams are beaming with fish.